T: +49 (0)451-1505-0
F: +49 (0)451-1505-300

T: +49 (0)451-1505-214
F: +49 (0)451-1505-301


T: +49 (0)451-1505-140
F: +49 (0)451-7286 5


T: +49 (0)451-1505-205
F: +49 (0)451-1505-300 


Brahms-Institut an der MHL
T: +49 (0)451-1505-414
F: +49 (0)451-1505-420 

Villa Brahms / E 13

T: +49 (0)451-1505-233
F: +49 (0)451-1505-300


Internationale Beziehungen
T: +49 (0)451-1505-323
F: +49 (0)451-1505-300

GP 4 / 204

T: +49 (0)451-1505-115
F: +49 (0)451-1505-300 


Netzwerk Musikhochschulen
T: +49 (0)451-1505-236
F: +49 (0)451-1505-300

Künstlerisches Betriebsbüro (KBB)
T: +49 (0)451-1505-196
F: +49 (0)451-1505-302 


T: +49 (0)451-1505-214
F: +49 (0)451-1505-302 


MHL4U – Wir vermitteln Musik
T: +49 (0)451-4079 835

T: +49 (0)451-1505-123 
F: +49 (0)451-1505-302 


T: +49 (0)451-1505-128 
F: +49 (0)451-1505-301 


Strategie- und Entwicklungsplanung
T: +49 (0)451-1505-216
F: +49 (0)451-1505-303 


T: +49 (0)451-1505-118
F: +49 (0)451-1505-303 

GP 4

T: +49 (0)451-1505-140 
F: +49 (0)451-7286 5


T: +49 (0)451-1505-198 
F: +49 (0)451-1505-300 


Tel +49 (0)451-1505-152 
Fax +49 (0)451-1505-300 



Für einen Hochschulaccount wenden Sie sich bitte an die Netzwerkverwaltung. Antragsformulare gibt es im Formularzentrum und in der Bibliothek.


Für einen Hochschulaccount wenden Sie sich bitte an die Netzwerkverwaltung. Antragsformulare gibt es im Formularzentrum und in der Bibliothek.


Einen Hochschulaccount erhalten Sie beim MHL-IT-Support.


Für einen Hochschulaccount wenden Sie sich bitte an die Netzwerkverwaltung. Antragsformulare gibt es im Formularzentrum und in der Bibliothek.

wir vermitteln

Johannes Fischer
Professor für Schlagzeug

wir vermitteln

Julia Pschedezki
Studentin Gesang

wir vermitteln

Sabine Meyer
Professorin für Klarinette

wir vermitteln

Konrad Elser
Professor für Klavier

wir vermitteln

Charles Duflot
Student Cello

wir vermitteln

Bernd Ruf
Professor für Popularmusik

Alumni-Preis 2024

Am 30. September 2024 wurden folgende Alumni-Preisträger ausgezeichnet:

  • Alumni-Preis 2024 an Jan-Christian Wagner für sein vielfältiges, hochschulpolitisches Engagement
  • Förderpreis an Ann-Kathrin Strauch für ihr Melodram "Zwischen Tugend und Gefahr" für Erzähler, vier Sänger und Klavier
  • Jury-Preis an Oliver Tjabben für seine wissenschaftliche Abschlussarbeit "Form und Inhalt und ihre Krise in der Musik von Max Reger"

Herzlichen Glückwunsch!

alumni association of mhl

The Alumni Association of MHL provides former students and staff of the MHL a new old home. Graduates and alumni can continue to participate in university life here. In addition, the association forms as a link between the university and the professional world.

The primary association goals are:

  • Continuous network development
  • Exchange of experience and know-how to optimize practical-oriented higher education
  • Creating a mentoring system for students of MHL
  • Support for the students of the MHL

By maintaining old contacts and establishing promising new ones, students and alumni alike benefit from the growing alumni network. Students learn from the experience and expertise of the alumni members, who in turn support their alma mater with their commitment.

The Alumni Association of MHL is dependent on the support of other former members of the university: whether they are students or teachers – all should remain a associated to do his or her part to by contributing new impulses and ideas to further develop practical-oriented studies at MHL.

Assist and become a member!
Former members of the university (students, alumni, faculty and staff) can join the Alumni Association here. The annual fee is 30 euros. Just send an email with your postal address to MHL. In return, you’ll receive information material and the application for membership. All information will be kept confidential.

Members of the Alumni Association receive, up request,

  • Free info concerning University events (concerts, symposia, lectures, master course, etc.) as well as discounts on tickets and products of MHL
  • Invitations to the annual Alumni Day: former students meet here for discussions in a relaxed atmosphere. Changing themes promise a varied program, including with lectures, guided tours and attending concerts
  • Intranet access of MHL (still under construction): in the Forum for Formers Students, exchange of views and contacts can be maintained. The search for former classmates or teachers is also possible as well as finding eligible by young musicians who could accompany as a mentor on the way to a successful career.
  • Membership in the Mediation of the Musicians MHL – the concert agency of the Lübeck University.

Members of the Management Board and contact persons

  • Darko Bunderla (Chairman)
  • Prof. Lena Eckels (Events)
  • Johanna Ludwig (Secretary)
  • Prof. Dr. Bernd Redmann (President of MHL)
  • Prof. Sergio Sanchez (Member recruitment)
  • Christian v. Streit (Treasurer)


Alumni Day
Annual, all-day event with changing thematic focuses for alumni members, university members - especially students - and other interested parties.

  • 05. May 2024: "Intoxication"
    14th Alumni Day as part of the Brahms Festival with a reception and alumni coffee, the general meeting and a visit to the symphony concert.
  • 2023: "Dialogues"
    13th Alumni Day as part of the Brahms Festival with a reception and alumni coffee, the general meeting and a visit to the symphony concert. 
  • 2022: "Peace Concert"
    12th Alumni Day with, among other things, a reception and alumni coffee, the members' meeting, a composers' talk and a visit to the Peace Concert as part of the 30th Brahms Festival with Florian Uhlig piano and the MHL Symphony Orchestra conducted by Clemens Schuldt.
  • 2021: "Magic Flute"
    11th Alumni Day including a reception, general meeting and a visit to the university production of "Die Zauberflöte" with MHL voice students and the MHL Symphony Orchestra, Mark Rohde musical director. Registration will be available here soon.
  • 2020: "A different Alumni Day"
    10th Alumni Day for Alumni members, due to the current situation with a small programme for association members.
  • 2019: "Pure relaxation"
    9th Alumni Day including yoga course and visit to the symphony concert in the evening. An event for alumni, university members, students and interested parties.
  • 2018: "Musicians' Health II"
    8th Alumni Day with workshops by Yoga pur Lübeck and the breath, speech and voice therapist Jutta Ottenbreit as well as information events by the DAK, general meeting and presentation of the Alumni Award 2018 during the graduation ceremony.
  • 2017: "The Copyright"
    7th Alumni Day with guest speaker Christian Schmidt, attorney, proven expert and specialist lawyer for copyright and media law as well as for information technology law, general meeting and presentation of the Alumni Award.
  • 2016: "Musicians' Health I"
    6th Alumni Day with yoga taster course (in cooperation with Yoga Pur Lübeck), individual posture diagnosis (in cooperation with "GiB - Gesundheit in Bewegung" and the Techniker Krankenkasse) and presentation of the Alumni Award 2016 during the diploma and semester-end celebration.
  • 2015: "Welcome Home"
    5th Alumni Day with numerous events spread over the weekend, including a semester-end party with the presentation of the Alumni Award, workshops, guided tours and an extensive supporting programme.
  • 2014: "1st Alumni Award"
    4th Alumni Day with regular general meeting and presentation of the 1st Alumni Award to MHL students during the 1st MHL diploma celebration
  • 2013: "What should we alumni do? - Chances and possibilities of an Alumni Association"
    3rd Alumni Day with regular general meeting, lecture, guided tour through the Holstentorhalle and concert visit as part of the Brahms Festival
  • 2012: "Brahms in focus"
    2nd Alumni Day with insights into the Brahms Institute at the MHL, including a guided tour of the Villa Eschenburg, a lecture on a specific topic, a museum tour, a regular general meeting, unveiling of the Brahms monument and a concert.
  • 2011: "100 Years of the University of Music Lübeck"
    1st Alumni Day in the context of the university anniversary with a guided tour of the university, topic lecture, ordinary general meeting and concert visit.

Alumni Forum
Series of events by alumni for MHL students, university members and interested parties, including seminars and workshops on the topic of "music business". Dates in 2023:

  • Tue, 16 April: "Finished studying - now what?"
    Former students talk about their path from study to career.
    6 pm / MHL
  • Tue, 12 November: "Finished studying - what now?"
    Former students talk about their path from study to work.
    6 pm / MHL

Meeting place MHL
Regulars' table for alumni, university members, students and interested parties for a lively exchange in a relaxed atmosphere. Dates in 2023:

  • Tue, 30 January
  • Tue, 25 June
  • Tue, 29 Octobre
    from 7 pm / Ali Baba Restaurant / Fünfhausen 5-11 / 23552 Lübeck

Big general university bake-off
with Feuerzangenbowle and film screening. Date in 2023:

  • Tue, 10 December
    from 5 pm in the MHL refectory / Große Petersgrube 21 / 23552 Lübeck

Alumni Award

The MHL Alumni Association awarded the following prizes on October 4th during the opening ceremony of the semester:

  • Alumni Award 2021 for Jakob Rieke because of his outstanding scientific work (500 euros).
  • Sponsorship prizes for Johanna Bechtel because of her social and university-political commitment and for Martin Janßen because of his scientific work (250 euros each)
  • Jury Prize for Anna-Lea Rebholz and Daniel Burmeister with their team Emilie Dupont, Sophia Eschenburg, Miriam Solle and Lisa Wegmann for their commitment to the "1:1Concerts" (200 euros)

Alumni Award Winner 2020
Lina Maren Gronemeyer for her outstanding academic contribution and her commitment to university politics

Alumni Award Winner 2019
Maik Hoppe for his educational science thesis "Politics and Value Judgement - Political Education as Part of a Didactics of Music in Postmodernity" and to Miriam Knebusch for her exceptional commitment to university politics.

Alumni Award Winners 2018
Sebastian Borleis for his commitment to higher education policy and Felix Lüttig for his Master's thesis in educational science entitled "The constructivist perspective on performance assessment in music teaching at secondary level II in Schleswig-Holstein".

Alumni Award Winner 2017
Kristoph Krabbenhöft for his commitment to "saving" the former "barracks" in Schwartauer Landstraße

Alumni Award Winner 2016
Samuel Walther (composition class Prof. Dieter Mack) for his composition project "DEBRIS" and IDP group "MHL Revue: Somewhere in the World": Adeline Block, Ida-Marie Brandt, Konstantin Busack, Roman Gerber, Katharina Horst de Cuestas, Ariane Jahn, Louise Natorp and Jonas Nay.

Alumni Award Winner 2015
Simon Zafirakis for the best academic paper of a year and Annika Willemsen and Fabienne Haßlöwer for the Interdisciplinary Project: "Kunst-Stück - Ist doch alles Humbug!" (Art Play - It's All Humbug!)

Alumni Award Winner 2014
Christin Renno for extraordinary university political and social commitment and Dorian Kannenberg and Carl Philipp Drese for the best (music) pedagogical or interdisciplinary project.


Alumni Association of MHL
Große Petersgrube 21
23552 Lübeck

Darko Bunderla
T: +49 (0)451-1505-214
F: +49 (0)451-1505-302
Mail to Alumni Association